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For the past 170 years, SJI has continuously empowered men and women to learn how to learn and to learn how to live.

As one of the few schools in Singapore that offer the IB curriculum, an SJI education is more than ordinary.

What does life in SJI hold?

Scroll on to find out more.

This is where our story begins.

Every journey begins with the first step.

From your very first day here, look forward to a WILD start to your journey. Cheers. Songs. Games. Campfire night. Orientation is sure to be a blast like no other.

Above all, orientation is a recognition of the gifts each of us bring to this school. The gifts we bring collectively make up the SJI significance that we embrace in all our hearts.

Faith is our foundation.

As we settle into the normalcy of school life, we refresh ourselves everyday with the spirituality of prayer. At 7.10am daily, Catholics join together for morning prayer, while non-Catholic students remain in class. Once per week, Catholics are also invited for mass.

Even while we are a Catholic institution, we welcome students of all faith traditions. Here is where all can find a home.

On a typical day, lessons begin at 7.50am and end at about 3.30pm. Each Josephian is prescribed an individualised timetable, complete with time for academic lessons, free periods for rest and private or small group consultations with teachers and lunch breaks.

In classes of about 20 students each, Josephians engage academically through discussions, presentations and research.

In tandem with the IB aims, we strive to develop students who possess both breadth and depth of knowledge - students who are critical thinkers and curious inquirers.

Service is our way.

Beyond the academic scope of work, our institution also invites students to serve.

Following in the footsteps of our founder St. John Baptist de La Salle, SJI is also a platform for students to reach out and beyond.

Josephians engage frequently and meaningfully with the community as we reach out to the last, the lost and the least.

Promoting action which empowers young people, we fully commit ourselves each day in the Lasallian Charism.

Beyond service learning, Josephians also have the opportunity to engage in creative works based on their passions, talents and inclinations.

Josephians in the IB programme are invited to do so through their CAS groups and projects which they may initiate independently. In the IB programme, all students are required to accumulate 50 hours of activities and projects in each of the three strands of Creativity, Activity and Service.

For example, this group of students coded this open house website from scratch together. They are testament to the innovation and creativity Josephians bring to our community.

Community is our support.

We celebrate community in many different ways. We celebrate it during the many major school events: our Inaugural assembly, the Founder’s Day celebrations, the Thanksgiving ceremony and the occasional ice cream days.

And yet, above all the big school events we hold, it is the small things that mean the most to us.

It is the simple friendships we are surrounded with. The simple good morning, the simple please, the simple thank you.

The simple Discord movie nights we enjoy together, the simple study sessions we have, the simple conversations we have with each other over lunch.

The small and simple, yet ever compelling things school brings for us.

The magic of SJI, to us, lies in the hope that, together, we can be better. Even during this pandemic, we hold strong to this hope.

Hope, not so much that life will be the same again, but hope that we can walk through our challenges together.

Hope, that we will make the most of these times. Hope that we will always remember these times, not for its empty promises, but for our growth through its difficulties.

As we grow from “I” to “We”, this is the place where we become brothers and sisters to one another. It is here that we truly discover that we are one, but we are many.

What are we to discover on our journey in SJI? What is it that we can hope for?

Perhaps the simplest of things: the goodness of changing for the better. Changing for the better. That is God’s gift to all of us. That is the mission and commitment we bring to school. The gift to be transformed so that we, in turn, can make the world better.

It is a transformation that happens subtly, and quietly, almost organically and very ordinarily in our daily lives of teaching and learning, of interacting and caring here in SJI. It is a change that happens because of the community we are.

And even after our journeys come to an end, you can take a Josephian out of SJI, but you can never take SJI out of a Josephian.

Why? Because SJI is not just any other school. It is a special place. It is our home. It is our family.

Here at SJI, our stories can be more together. This is the story we continue to write.

And YOU can be part of it too.

A short photo journal of student life in SJI

This Open House Website was programmed by SJI's Coding and Technology CAS

More than 12000 lines of code was written to create this website

In partnership with the 9th Student Council, Photography CAS and Film CAS.

This Open House Website is student led and initiated. SJI firmly believes in giving students the space to innovate and bringing projects to life.

Coding and Technology CAS
Terence Teo, Tristan Tay, Alexandre Balon, Wu Yonggang, Pauline Ongchan, Althan Ng, Disha Harish, Audrey Loke, Benedict Chua, Yu HuaJia, Mohammed Iqbal, Renee Yong, Manami Sivasubramanian

Film CAS
Hannah Wong, Natasja Silva, Matthew Koh, Brien Chia, Russell Lee

Photography CAS
Vivienne Ho, Ng Yun Hui, Keerthana Bijunair, Rohan Varatharajan, Briceton Ng, Sarah Tan, Ernest Chia, Huong Viet Giang Huong

The 9th Student Council
Chen YuYao, Koon Wei Pheng, Colin Toh, Su Myat, Stephanie Lim