Testimonials from our Josephian Alumni

I am grateful that I could pursue my interest in the Visual Arts in SJI. Although the IB Visual Arts course is highly demanding, the space that SJI provided me to develop and grow helped me realise that art is something I really want to do. I had the freedom to decide what I wanted my pieces to be about. Through the course, I discovered how to turn simple ideas into subtle yet complex pieces. I made the most amazing friends in Art Class and had the best of guidance under Mrs Vivian Tan and Mr Micheal Ee. Looking back, there is no other subject I would rather have taken.

- Nicholas Tan, IB Class of 2021

To leave the place a little better than we found it. However big or small, Josephians will go out of their way to make their unique difference to our society. SJI’s unique approach to holistic learning creates many opportunities for one to serve and give back to their community, from class committees to prefects and for me, that was in our Pelandok scouting and venturing CCA. Our camps, activities and volunteer work will always have that added layer of comradery and brotherhood, which motivates you to go the extra mile. I learnt to go the extra mile for my studies, to go the extra mile for my friends, juniors and teachers and to go the extra mile for myself. By being in such an environment, it was only natural to go the extra mile for others and I have no doubt that the next generation of Josephians will leave the world a little better than they found it.

- Nicholas Yee, IB Class of 2021

Being a part of the Dragonboat Exco was one of my biggest SJI blessings. I found a community within the team and was able to step out of my comfort zone thanks to the rest of the Exco. It didn’t matter which CCAs we came from as we all came to learn to work with each other. I realised how much effort it takes to manage a team but it made it more meaningful that the Exco were able to overcome challenges together. We may not have had the same opportunities as our seniors to participate in competitions but I left with good memories and even stronger attachment to the SJI family.

- Cathlyn Wong, IB Class of 2021

EETOKIA was a very stressful period for me as the workload seemed to never end. However, through this experience, I have truly learnt what it means to be an independent learner; it improved my time management skills and provided me with a sense of responsibility for my work. It also taught me the significance of taking breaks and prioritizing my mental health to avoid burnout. Most importantly, this experience instilled in me the value of community. From proof-reading each other’s work to simply sitting together and lamenting about our assignments, the SJI community was my support during this stressful period. Together, we grew as a community, which is an experience I deeply cherish.

- Clara Nai, IB Class of 2021

I will always remember my experience serving in the Student Council. It is always a privilege to serve and the Student Council provided me with such a great opportunity to do so. Life as a councillor was tough. You will have to deal with added responsibilities, higher expectations, all while juggling academics and personal life. Yet that was what made me enjoy the journey the most because every obstacle became a challenge that pushed me and helped me grow. However, the most important takeaway from my time as a councillor was also what kept me going despite the most difficult of challenges. It was the friends I made in Council. Don’t you forget that you will be working with many other amazing individuals who have also chosen to step up and serve the community. As long as you have the heart to serve, no problem will be too big for the council to overcome. It was not an easy journey but I would be willing to do it all over again.

- Nathanael Sutjiutama, IB Class of 2021